Neptune Rising

A collaboration with Felicity Loft

May 2022 Cocktail Series

Neptune Rising

The May cocktail series collaborates with Felicity Loft and uses their “Aurora Dreams” herbal tea that blends chamomile, mint, and rose, in three distinctly different ways in each cocktail!

We are showcasing three different styles in our May crate:

  • Our Proper Version is the standard recipe for this month

  • An Elevated Version uses advanced techniques and a commonly found perishable ingredient that we are unable to adequately provide

  • A Modified Version uses some of the ingredients from the proper version, but changes up the recipe and technique to create a completely different cocktail experience

Each crate provides ingredients for a total of 4 cocktails with the spirits provided from our partners at La Bodega. We throw in a little extra of our handcrafted mixers, just in case you want to experiment and make a few more cocktails…


Cocktail styles: This month’s cocktail series features refreshing classic sour style, a fizz structure that will really highlight the aromatics in the cocktail, and a flavorful martini variation that showcases the floral notes of the tea

Flavor profile: Delicate floral and strong citrus notes will work together to compliment the vegetal and herbal notes of the gin and sauvignon blanc

Spirit Base: Summer is here, so it is an excellent time to get back to gin! We are incorporating a sauvignon blanc in this series as well that will help add both acidity and a ‘grassy’ balance and complexity to the cocktails!

Bartender techniques: Our techniques this month will be both a standard bar shake, a stirred cocktail, and a fizz technique!

Final thoughts…

We are going refreshing and herbal with gin in this month’s cocktail series, but if we had to have a second choice for a spirit base on this one, it screams blanco tequila and it’s honeyed and earthy characteristics!

We are so excited to collaborate with Felicity Loft

Check out our friend Megan’s amazing company, Felicity Loft, based in Soldotna

Questions or concerns about our ingredients? Please reach out to us at